My Story

"I'm on a mission to design an amazing product that helps make a positive difference in this world." 

Kenny Perez


My name is Kenny Perez, I am the founder and designer here at Birch Robot and I'm on a mission to design an amazing product that helps make a positive difference in this world.

How it Started

In college I took a class called Humans and the Environment that had a massive impact on my life. It was here where I learned how much humans have negatively affected our world and what changes we can make to help improve it.

Since, then I always knew that I wanted create a business whose core values were centered on environmental responsibility, creating the best quality product and customer service experience.

So, as I began working on the Birch Robot concept in 2016 I made sure that everyone of these values were engrained in every step of the process.

By November of 2016 I created the very first rough prototype whale pendulum clock in my garage with the help of my father and uncle. After several more prototypes and trial and error experiments I finally created a product that I was truly happy with. And by May of 2018 I launched

Environmental Responsibility, Quality and Customer Service, 

Every piece of material that goes into creating a Birch Robot pendulum clock from the wood to the product packaging has stayed true to my core values and vision of the brand.

We use wood that is printed with water-based non-toxic ink and is farmed to prevent deforestation. Our packaging is made from 100% recycled cardboard and made in the USA. The tissue paper used to wrap each clock is printed with vegetable based ink (soybean).

Giving Back

From the start it’s always been my dream to create something more than just another regular business, but something that can make a positive difference in this world. This is why I’ve partnered up with an amazing organization called One Tree Planted, in order to get one tree planted for every clock sold in areas that have been badly affected by wildfires and deforestation. I’m so grateful for the support of our customers that enables us to give back.

Kenny Perez

A Dream Come True

Ever since I was a child l loved drawing and creating things. Birch Robot is a dream come true for me. I feel truly blessed to be able to do what I'm so passionate about.

From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who's visited the site, or simply given me words of encouragement. It means the world to me.


Kenny Perez
Founder and Designer